As a mom of two young boys and one that is in Kindergarten, convenience at breakfast time is a must. I don't have time unfortunately everyday to make "from scratch" items. We buy a lot of waffles and pankcakes (frozen and normally store brand) and I was a little shocked last week when I grabbed a box of mini pancakes at Kroger that were 2.48 a box. This morning it "dawned" (LOL) on me that I had two nice size boxes of pancake mix that I know I got for under 1.00 a box and I think it might have even been under .50 for a 32oz box. I also thought about the many packages of chocolate chips I have that I paid .99 each for that are just sitting on my shelf.
So, I decided to make a big batch of mini pancakes and jazz them up a little bit with a few chocolate chips. I figured if the store could cook them and put them in a bag and then freeze them, then why couldn't I?
If my guesstimates are right, I used about 3/4 of a box of pancake mix and about 1/4 of the chocolate chips. Lets base this on the pancake mix being 1.00 a box (even though I'm certain I paid far less for it) and I paid .99 for the chocolate chips and that's 1/4 of the way gone. So for approximately 1.00, I made 50 pancakes that are double the size of the mini pancakes that Kroger sells. Not a bad deal and if I can keep making them this way, I don't have to worry about running out so quickly.
Just some food for thought....anyone else have any money saving suggestions that are doing right now?
When I make pancakes I usually do cook up a double batch. The extras are "leftover" for another day.